I like to feel free


I'm learning French

I will be editor of some fashion magazine

Yes, sometimes I'm jeoalous

Love everything.want everything

Black things in the interior is something must have

Naked back is very sexy

Sometimes I wish my eyes be like that

I love when guys tell the true

Fashion magazines is something perdect

I'm always searching strange colours of nail polish

I love the way when the dusts plays in the sun rays

I hate mornings when you need to wake up early

I like to varnish my nails

Sometimes I'm realist and I love art, much

I cry when somebody puts my on fake lashes

I'm afraid of babies! they're so tinny

My favourite time is summer

I like when you feel so airy in the water

I'm dreaming about sexy morning in Paris

I feel better when I spend money on clothes

Sometimes I think what if I used this note when I really need it?

I ignore people when I tired to say: shut up, I'm not in the mood to hear your damn mouth

I love to travel, everywhere, mostly summer, warm..

I'm planning to buy a ticket to London

Sometimes I like to wear black, only black

when I was little I was addict to doing bad things, I was very mischeivous

And I'm really afraid of the lightning

Sometimes I'm really tired of you all

The first time when I smoked was in 4th class

I like to walk in my house looking like that, just be my self and do something spontaneous

Sometimes I like to secretly watch through my window.. Do you know that they say about people who watches throught windows? They're lonely. I'm not lonely, I just want to make sure that my neigbours are alive.

I love big rings, love unusual rings, love many rings!

Yes, I really want to try these ones, I think they look fancy and I like them!

I'm dreaming about living in Paris, the city of love
I'm a shoe fanatic. I love to buy it, have it, hold it
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