Saturday, January 15, 2011

D for dream

I am dreaming about you, living with you.. If we could have our mini flat(of course I woud be very happy having a house)we would:
drink champane in the morning
have romantic time
Eat whatever we like, we will have our meniu
Sit on the clean floor at the night, talk about childhood and eat clean cookies with white milk
have fully stocked bar
eat pica and drink bear when we got back from city, sometimes be simple
have our paintings on the walls
be smart
have our balcony... drink wine, smoke cigaretes and make love, sometimes have dinner
go to the beach whenever we want
have sexy sweets on our vacations
be more than drugs to one each other
i never feel lonely
we play.. something like S L S

share love
don't sleep at night, go on the top of our house and smoke,be in silence
taste if candies are good, if the answer is yes, take a big bag of them
you make my some love breakfast
have candies for rainy day
take some bites after the love
I know you love cheese, so I make you mac and cheese, if you want-all the time
have our big, beautiful, sweet, worm, love bed
have some china food, lucky cookies
travel a lot, together
sometimes be like teens
you make me feel like only girl in the world

I think it's call living in love?

S for Saturday mind

Jaunasis Džolyonas taip įnirtingai, rimtai ir ilgai rašė šį laišką, kad jo žmona negalėjo nepastetbėti jo susitelkimo, ir jo paklausė, kas nutikę. Jis atsakė – Nieko.

Tai buvo jo principas-niekada neatviriauti Džunei. Ji gali pasiusti, jis nė nežino, ką ji pagalvotų, jis bandė apsimesti ramiu, ir tai buvo jo stiprioji vieta, bet tai žinojo tik jo tėvas, tai buvo lyg verslas. Ir jaunasis Džolyajus versdamasis namų aferomis, išėjo sučiaupęs lūpas, vogdamas tikrą save, būdamas nebilios išvaizdos.

Jis buvo klube per pietus, su laišku kišenėje, nepakeitęs planų.

O for offer

Be more open.

M for must to be the future

T for true

You know , just 'cause you're beautiful, that doesn't mean that you can treat people like they don't matter.