be dirty funky

I want to look different

I love ZARA.go go go shoping

Want all this make up

MMM ice cream!!! I'm dependent on it

Awwwww! it looks like little bunny! so so sweet!! want this

So calm

Ha. So true

Hrrr! amazing.need need this

My nights wiil be like in Paris, mornings like in NY, when I will be in London.


Cha.true again

Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed sun!!!! neeed vacation!!!! fuck the winter


RRRRR babies

O M G. I could write an ode about this fucking gorgeous bag!

Soon is my B-DAY

Laaalalalla so yummy

Yes bitch, fuck off.

Love skulls

So elegant. Want good weather and wear nice clothes!

I'm closing my eyes and choosing ... all!

so so so nice

I'm sometimes little bit selfish. but it doens't matter ;*

tattoos. good tattoos

aaaaaa.ode two

It would be my ''pink'' sunglases

miu miu.so perfect


art. so good looking

ha.cool.want this in my room.new room

nnnnneed this

mm nice.very freaky but nice

tru three

hate her.hhhhhate her

little happy

aaaaa ode three

$$$$$$$ I NEED $$$ $ it's all I need

so amazing!

smoke sometimes, like to try this ones

hate her too

I would love to

want to rob this shop




hate gays. but it looks nice




looking ready to party

hate her so much

good boobs, want braceletes


aaaaaaaaa ode four

uuu nice

shop shop shop

hate my already?

sexy bexy

legs.bag. everything

want to live here

spring.i need spring

I will drink my coffee and smoke cigaretes, cuz there will be no ffff winter!

be true to your self


gagagagagaga eats too

looking nice

mcmcmcmc qoueen


fuck barbie

need to

I love to make my nails

spring, summer, cuz I hate winter


I'm shopholic!



party,bitch want to party

We need to forgot those who were not true for us

pinky baby

do u have any?

best nail polish

yes.to me

but u don't.

aaaaaaaaaa ode five

AWWW want he

need this

ode six


need.I need everything

I'm not allwayss material

but sometimes

want.looks sweet

AAAAAAAAAAA Need this one

want it too

made my day

looking amazing. but I would change the colour

so fancy bag!

summer.neeeed u

could u make me romatic cake? with caramel, amaret, moreng, raffaelo, ice cream.no choco.i'm elergic

these ones is so fucking fab

nice sister.hate them too

a m a z i n g



don't I?

U already know what I would say.yes I NEED this

this one!!!!

So enjoy your day cuz it's a gift for u.