Vogue-means fashion.
(Which if you can see, will be the most posting topic in my rockin' sweet blog.)
The story of the Vogue, I think every fashion blogger should know. Not only blogger, everybody who are interested in fashion.
( Here's the link, if you haven't heard anything, that would be something like Vogue history,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vogue_(magazine) )
The magazine have a success. It has everything. Everything: fashion, dreams, clothes, people, music, films, couture, items, trends, pasion, nice legs, beauty, something that makes you like demotivation, sometimes it helps you to go ahead to your dreams.
Talking about dreams.. I have a dream.. In fact I have lot's of them. New day- new dream. My dreams- different. It depends on my mood.
Now I feel like mind goes by fashion ice cream cakes, with many decorations and sparkling glitters on a top of it. I'm dreaming about the sweetest pages of the fashion bible.
Vogue. To be on top of it,to be in it, to read it, to read it with coffee, cigarettes, ice cream cookies or hot wine(cause it's fucking winter) with hot apple pie and ice cream and lots of cinamon, to have it, to have them(magazines) as many as I can, to find it under my big xmas tree ,covered by little cookie figures, to have multitude of it, to write in it, to have my top in it, to be a redactor of it (someday it's gonna be true), to create the vogue (fashion).
Love it (Vogue). You can't resist it.
I do love it. And I do love, who makes my dream come true. I mean it.

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